Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hummingbirds PI

Ok, it's not one day since the last post.  So I will never say that again.

On to more important matters.  I have watched a lot of hummingbirds this summer.  I have learned a LOT about them.  First, we have more than your standard Roofus hanging around. At one point, we had nine in our yard by our feeders and I could tell three different kinds.

Hummingbirds are not really animal savvy.  They would dive bomb me with the cat on my lap, go right by Penny's mouth, and get waaay to close to Pumpkin than I cared for.  They must be moving on, because I only count two or three these days.  

No wonder they have to eat constantly.  They wouldn't need so much energy if they'd quit chasing each other off the feeders.  Silly birds.

Birds and Bees sharing...

Coming in for a landing...looks like a duck.

My tailfeathers are bigger than yours...


I don't know if this was a juvenile, just floofing to keep warm, or dry off from something.

It has been a true gift this year.  I wasn't saying that when I was refilling the feeders and dumping sugar water on my head.  I miss my big group of hummingbirds now that I'm back at scheduled work.

Part II - until we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. How great it must be to live somewhere with such wildlife - Amazing photos!
