Friday, February 15, 2013

Spring Seed Inventory

Today was the most dangerous day for a gardener.

Warm enough to be REAL NICE, but if you plant anything, it will die...

Don't do it!

So instead, here is a Spring Seed Inventory in honor of the days to come!

Leaf Lettuce Mix
Sparkler Radish
Spinach - Italian Choice
Snow Peas
Sweet Peas
Another Leaf Lettuce Sampler

Things I need to get:

More radish

I have a separate stash of summer seeds, so I'll do that some other day.

I did check on the plants I tried to overwinter under cloth.  The sword-type annual did GREAT.  The misc yellow plant died.  The brughesia(sic) died.  Water bamboo is sending up new growth.

All of the succulents that I buried in bunny shavings are doing quite nice.  I could probably heel those in out of the pot and they would do great, then I could repot in new formations.  Think I'll do that when I can put the pots out.

Hubby took the heater out of the pond - don't want the Koi to get too active too early.

The first Robins of the season have visited the shores of our oasis already.  The Juncos have been QUITE the little bathers already.  They must be smarter than finches.  I always find dead finches in the pond every year.  Never Robins, Juncos, or any other kind of bird.

Sofie watched a squirrel go around our yard several times on our fence.  That was entertaining for her and me.

Now I will leave you with a picture from LAST SPRING.  May the days keep growing longer!

Smell the Spring!