Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Wonderful Gardening Day!

All around, a great Sunday.

Sofie and Penny were nice enough to let me sleep until 6am - that's good.  Got up and had some coffee, read the paper, played my silly Facebook games.

Kermit got up later and I made a decent breakfast.  Bacon of course, toast, and some simple over easy eggs.  But it was yummy.

Then outside for some serious work.  Dug out the rest of the very large garlic.  I think it's elephant garlic, but I'm not sure.  I will pile it up on the hill, and it will grow.

Weeded some, and of course it is not a gardening day if I don't 
Move. Some. Rocks.

I don't know why I keep moving rocks, but it seems to be a favorite activity.  I had a teen move them down to the lower yard from the hill thinking I was going to build one of my walls.  That did not work out so I had to buy wall block.    As I look around, I believe, truly believe I will not be moving rocks down into the lower yard again.  I cannot say the same for the hill.  I see rock moving there.

So the natural rock had to be moved.  I was not going to move them back up the hill.  So I made some pockets for my neighbor, and some for me, and gave the rest of the rock away to another neighbor.

Kermit is at this moment working on the block wall.  He's really good at it. I'll find some old pics of the spot later, and post some before and after when it's all done.

In Other Gardening News

The last two years I had this plant show up in my yard.  It looked bamboo-ish, and I let it go.  Holy Guacamole that was a bad move.  I tilled that bed this year, and a bazillion of the seedlings came up.  After talking to the My Smart Puppy Brain Trust I tried the following.

First I tilled it again.  Then I put down newspapers and cut up grocery bags.  Kermit went and got me some top soil for on top if it.  Hope this works because I don't ever want to see that plant again.  The topsoil was pricey at over $2 a cubic foot.  It turned out to be a much higher quality than the normal stuff I've seen sold as top soil.  It had manure, dirt, and bark in it.  I've seen "topsoil" that was pretty bad clay stuff.