Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bugs and Bunnies


 There are bees on that sunflower - it counts!

Butterflies are bugs aren't they?

Not sure if this is a moth or a butterfly.

And Bunnies!

Pepper - He's a Rabbit I got from our local feed store for $10 6 years ago.  He was just a baby, so he's so easy to handle.  Quite the low maintenance fellow I might add.

This picture was taken in March. Only a few things planted in the new perennial border, and absolutely nothing up yet.

Compared to July!

My God Rabbits;  My sister Ellen had to move into an apartment when she relocated to Idaho.  So I got the rabbits.  I've really enjoyed them.  If she ever gets a house, I might get two more to fill the bunny gap in my heart they'll leave.

Herkemer P. Bunsworthy 
My husband gave him this name - he was previously going incognito as just "Bun" but we figured he was much more important than that.

This is Lucy - she is an old Rabbit, 9 years old.

1 comment:

  1. The bunnies are absolutely gorgeous..and I had no idea they lived to 9!

    Your butterfly/moth is a skipper :)
