Sunday, May 19, 2013

Great weekend finishing with a Lazy Sunday

I shot some sports today, then came home and did some serious playing in the dirt.

Actually, it was more like playing in the dust.  I finally got all of my chipping and shredding done after the game.  Looks a lot nicer out there without all the piles and debri.  They are all nice and neat in their black composters.

When I came in, I was filthy.  Took a nice long shower since I was not fighting anyone for the bathroom. (You know who you are.)

The plant that tried to take over the world has been thwarted by newspaper and top soil.  There is some here and there that I couldn't do that with.  I'll just have to pull those by hand.

I'll have to go to Garden Web to look up what it is.  I asked last year and got an answer but of course never wrote it down here.  That is a great site by the way.

My next door neighbor's rose bushes died from being browsed by deer.  Dear Neighbor happens to live on the Deer Highway.  For some reason, they always take her garden to come down from the hill to the street.  There are plenty of other yards not fenced, so it's a mystery why they picked that spot. Having a big emplty spot, she asked me to look up some sort of prickly plant to put in it's place.  (ooohhhh, illiteration, my fave).

I chose a variety of barberry that is lime green.  I wish I could remember the name of the company, because the plants are minuscule.  They're putting on new growth and I'm happy about that.  They charged her more than $10 per plant that at a local place would have been a gallon specimen.  Locally, you can't get the variety that online offers though.  It's a trade off.  As long as I can get them to live through the summer they should be OK.

What's blooming:
Iris, Snow in Summer, Chives, Wigelia

What's fading:
Lilac, Tree Peony

What's done:
Laurel, Forget-Me-Nots (a wild sort), Forsythia.

What's always in bloom around here:
Sofie and Penny!

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