Sunday, April 12, 2015

Got to REALLY play in the dirt today!

First of all, a BIG thank you to Joan at Green Things Nursery for selling me strawberry plants when they were technically closed.

I was going to try to plant them up on the hill, but I gave up that idea when it was obvious I'd have to spend at least a week relocating other stuff to make it happen, and that isn't going to happen.

Planted Today:
Pink Lemonade Highbush part Deu.
We planted one last year and the thing died.  Got it from a different source this year and put it in a different spot.  If it produces, it will have pink blueberries!

Elliot Northern Highbush
Smaller variety, blueberry.  When I put this in, I found the rootball to the bush I tried last year.  Did not change AT ALL.  No root growth at all, no wonder it didn't survive.

I planted 25 strawberry plants, and cannot for the life of me remember their name.  They are a variety that grows runners.  I put a cage over the bed to keep the birdies and rottweilers out.  Ok, not Rottweilers, but CiCi!!!!  She has no concept of "Keep the heck out of my beds" yet.  She's getting better.  Lucky she's cute.

The lettuce looks like lettuce now.  Fresh greens in a few weeks!  A bunch of cilantro is sprouting.

Daffodils and Hyacinth faded.  Lilacs and Narcissus are on their way.  Red and yellow tulips in full bloom.  Looks like they actually naturalized a little.  I picked some Tulips from out front because I rather enjoy them inside than let the deer eat them.  Deer LOVE tulips. And lots of other things.

Some pictures from a few days ago:
Miss CiCi

Toad House

Pepper - 10 yr old Rabbit - eating Lemon Verbena!

Can't remember the name.  Very STINKY bulbs.  Deer HATE IT.  I LOVE IT.



A good roll on the grass

Lettuce.  Three varieties there.  Spreckles, don't know, Red Sails.

Red Tulip - Doubled in spread in 4 years.
Yellow Tulip - about the same naturalization.

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