Monday, March 28, 2011

First Bunny Romp of the Season!

Here it is Spring Break, and it is NOT raining the whole time.  It was nice enough yesterday to get out the x-pen and let Pepper run around in it.  He had fun digging, ate a dandelion I put in there for him.

Of course, my Rottie side-kick Hanna was out there with me, keeping the bunny safe while I puttered around the yard.


I have Pepper, and two God-Rabbits (my sister's, but I'm caring for them until she can have them again), so you'll be seeing more Rabbits.


Hanna loves being out in the yard with me.  Penny was out in the yard with me yesterday, but I didn't get any pics.  She ALMOST caught a squirrel, and man, it was just chittering and chattering LOUDLY at her from up my neighbor's tree when it got away.  Just cussin' her out something fierce.

Here's the Hyacinth from a little bit back.  I have some early tulips that the foliage is up, but no bud yet.  A few daffodills right by the house have bloomed.  They get heat from the dark color of the basement paint, so they bloom a good two weeks before the daffodils out in the garden.

See ya soon since I'm on break!

1 comment:

  1. Dying to see how the yard unfolds this season! :)
    I had to show Michael your pond..I'm in love.
