Friday, March 11, 2011

Back to Spring...

at least in theory.  I was able to get outside today and putter about in the yard.  I try to be as organic as possible, but one thing I do that isn't kosher is use Preen.  I love that stuff.  Really does work.  Picked up a bunch of leaves, raked in some Preen, pulled some weeds, and of course, took some pictures.

Hanna supervising my work.

Crocus in two different spots in my yard

Why deer are cute as long as they are not eating in MY YARD!  This was, repeat, was a nice little row of crocus.

Hyacinth that used to be out front, but I had to relocate them because of the earlier mentioned deer.

I'm really looking forward to buying a lot of perennials this spring to fill in our new border in the side yard.  Today while I was doing some spring pruning, I found two new Sage starts.  Some branches made their way under the mulch and started new plants for me.  That was a nice surprise.  I put them in the front slope today.

Happy days and happy gardening!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe you have any type of flower blooming. I'm in shock.
    There's my girl Hanna :)
