Saturday, February 26, 2011

I was definitely punked by the weather...

Decidedly NOT springlike for the last week or so.  Very cold, but sunny and snowy!  Makes for some really nice photo opportunities.  If I was a winter sport enthusiast, this would be great weather.  For the record, I would be a "Lodge Enthusiast" if someone forced me to go to a ski hill. This afternoon I'm being a "Nice Warm House Enthusiast."

These are shots taken from the top of the Orofino High School baseball field.  They were heavily photoshopped with the clone stamp tool and content aware in order to get rid of the HUGE light poles.  I'm pleased that I don't look at them and go "Oh, that was photoshopped."

The two blips to the right in the last picture are either Eagles, Ravens, or possibly early Osprey.  Let's just leave it at "Really Big Birds."  I didn't see them in the viewfinder when I took these.  Nice surprise when I went to work on removing light pole clutter.

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